in july of 2010 i was with my mother at our favourite shop for vintage treasures, twice is nice. i stumbled upon a mass amount of the most beautiful hand-tooled leather purses i'd ever seen. i didn't know what i would do with so many purses, but i knew i needed to take them home with me. that's when the idea of opening an etsy shop that sold amazing jewelry, bags, housewares, and various vintage treasures came to mind. thus your carnival was born and i've never looked back. the idea behind the name is that finding that perfect thrifty treasure can often make me feel a rush, not unlike the rush experienced on a tilt-a-whirl carnival ride. i knew i couldn't be alone in experiencing this, so your carnival has become everyone's carnival, so to speak. it's my baby and it's something that i'm constantly learning from. it brings me so much joy!